
If you're curious how much your property is worth or you’re ready to sell your home, we have created our own in-house, custom property valuation tool with our own app-Property Index™. Combining research, technology and local expert knowledge, we believe it's the most accurate valuation on the market.


The information of final sales prices is not accessible in the public domain. Therefore there is a lack of information and data to be able to draw reliable price assumptions that can be backed up by statistical evidence.


The current valuations are mostly based on the comparables in the current market, but they don’t take into account that lots of the properties have already been on the market for a long time, the margin of negotiation on the final price or if they sold at all.


Mispricing your property can severely damage your chances of selling, wasting the optimum moment of attention: when it first comes on the market. Overpriced homes kill any sense of buyer urgency and take much longer to sell, which then significantly reduces value in buyers’ minds: “There must be something wrong with it if it hasn’t sold by now.”

Learn more about how our valuation works